Anizz Ivy of St elmo

Current Breeding Girl

Ivy is a gorgeous chocolate/silver spotted girl, She comes from a very diverse line of ocicats from across Europe.

Ivy is a very cuddly girl and loves to be on your lap. She has an eye for the boys and is a great pal of Uncle Dudley.

kerfaline Celeano (FleuR)

Current Breeding Girl

Fleur is an intelligent, mischievous little girlie who moves like the wind. Eyes to the floor whenever you open a door or she’s off.

Often ready to drop on you from the top of a door and always up for a game of chase. But at bedtime she loves a snuggle

St-Elmo Nymphadora lapoopalala

Retired Queen

Nymphadora (Dora to us) was a kitten in our first litter from the beautiful Anizz Ostara Fir (Luna).

Dora is a superb black/silver spotted ocicat. She is a delightful loving girlie always looking for a chance on a lap or an ear rub.

St-elmo daphne doodle

Retired Queen

The beautiful Daphne Doodle, a chocolate Ocicat Classic displaying the tabby pattern. Unfortunately due to complications Daphne had just two letters, and as well and the spotted Ocicats she had a selection of Classic boys, three of whom all live together in London - what a handful.

Now retired and enjoying life giving happiness to the perfect Ocicat Secretary in north Suffolk.